نکات مهم و اصلی امتحان آيلتس Speaking
نکات مهم و اصلی امتحان آيلتس Speaking
آنها به دنبال چه چيزي هستند؟
اگر شما بدانيد که چه چيزي براي کساني که از شما تست Speaking مي گيرند مهم است، باعث بهبودي شانس شما براي موفقيت خواهد شد. اين خط مشي ها اشاره اي به هر يک از قسمتهاي آزمون Speaking دارند. به آنها سفت بچسبيد تا امتحان گيرنده خود را راضي کنيد.
– بدون مکث هاي طولاني صحبت کنيد. (وقتي که داريد سعي مي کنيد در مورد چيزي براي صحبت کردن فکر کنيد).
– آنچه که ممتحن شما از شما سوال مي کند را بفهميد و مطابق با آن جواب دهيد.
– نشان دهيد که چه ميزاني از “کلمات هوشمند” را بلد هستيد.
– از همه زمانهاي افعال (گذشته، حال، آينده) در هنگام صحبت کردن استفاده کنيد و آنها را به درستي به کار ببريد.
– کلمات را به درستي تلفظ کنيد. بعنوان مثال لغت “culture” بايد به اينصورت تلفظ شود “kolcher” نه به صورت “kultur”
– مهم! لهجه در تلفظ تاثيري ندارد و از نمره شما کم نمي کند.
آسان بگيريد!
اين نکته به کل آزمون Speaking اشاره دارد. اگر نمي دانيد جملات طولاني و پيچيده را چگونه تمام کنيد، از آنها استفاده نکنيد! از جملات ساده و کلمات قابل فهم استفاده کنيد. اگر دچار اشتباه در گرامر شديد، اشکالي ندارد که خودتان آن را تصحيح کنيد ولي نه در حد افراط. شما بايد روان و سليس به نظر برسيد.
وقتي که سوالي را مي شنويد، مغز شما به صورت اتوماتيک تصويري را براي جواب آن ترسيم مي کند. شما مي توانيد اين تصوير را با زبان خودتان توضيح دهيد، ولي وقتي شروع به توضيح دادن آن به زبان انگليسي مي کنيد، ناگهان متوجه مي شويد که لغات کافي را در بانک لغات خود براي توضيح دادن آن نداريد. پس سعي کنيد در مورد قسمتهاي از تصوير که مي توانيد در موردش توضيح دهيد فکر کنيد. انجامش دهيد و همانجا تمامش کنيد. اجازه ندهيد با استفاده از جملات نا تمام، نشان دهيد که چه کلماتي را نمي دانيد.
اولين قسمت آزمون Speaking يک مصاحبه است. شما وارد اتاق مي شويد، ممتحن را مي بينيد، بگوئيد “صبح بخير!” و لبخند بزنيد. او از شما خواهد خواست که بنشينيد و خواهد خواست که پاسپورت شما را ببيند. اگر خواست که با شما دست بدهد، دست بدهيد. در غير اينصورت، اين کار را نکنيد.
زبان بدن شما در اينجا مهم است که بايد نشان بدهد شما با آرامش و اطمينان هستيد. در هنگام صحبت سعي کنيد تا جائيکه مي توانيد مستقيماً به چشمهاي امتحان گيرنده نگاه کنيد.
در طول مصاحبه، ممتحن از شما سوالاتي در مورد خودتان خواهد پرسيد. در مورد شغلتان، تحصيلاتتان، والدينتان، برادرها و خواهرهايتان، حيوان اهلي تان و مانند آنها. پاسخگويي به هر يک از اين سوالها بايد شامل يک يا دو جمله باشد. سعي کنيد فقط با “بله” و “خير” جواب ندهيد. بعد از همه اينها،انگليسي شماست که آنها ميخواهند بشنوند.
اين يک تکليف ساده براي آماده سازي شماست. سوالات و پاسخهاي زير را به دقت بخوانيد تا تصوير واضحي از آنچه که اتفاق خواهد افتاد در ذهن شما مجسم شود:
۱٫ Where do you come from?
I live in Small vile. It is a big city /small town located in the south of Never Land.
۲٫ What is your home like?
I rent an apartment. We have two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and of course one restroom. The apartment is not very big, about 70 square meters.
۳٫ What the advantages and disadvantages your home has?
The advantage is that my accommodation has lots of sunlight from the windows. And the disadvantage is that it is noisy because the centre of the city is nearby.
۴٫ Tell me about your family.
I have a mother, a father and a brother. My mother is a social worker, my father is a civil engineer and my brother is a student.
۵٫ Tell me about your job.
Well, I work for a big firm /small company named Banana Soft. It is located in Small vile. My job title is Software Designer.
۶٫ Is there anything you dislike about your job?
Normally, I enjoy my job very much. But sometimes my boss gives me boring assignments, which I dont like at all.
۷٫ What are your plans for the future? I would like to improve my English first and then to find another job with better salary.
۸٫ What type of transport do you use most? There are 2 types of transport that I use: I either drive my car or take the bus.
۹٫ Do you like reading? Yes I do. I enjoy reading very much. Usually, I read every other day of the week.
۱۰٫ What do you like reading the best? I enjoy reading news papers, magazines and of course my favorite fantasy books.
۱۱٫ What kind of television programs do you watch? Well, my favorite channel is Some TV Channel. I find it very interesting and educational.
۱۲٫ Tell me about a film you have seen recently I saw “Some New Movie” a week ago. It is a comedy and I like comedies. This one has some silly jokes but other than that I enjoyed it.
۱۳٫ Do you have a pet?
Yes I do. I have a dog named Richy. He is 4 years old.
۱۴٫ What kind of food do you like? I prefer Asian cooking, mostly Chinese. My favorite dish is noodles with vegetables.
۱۵٫ How often do you go shopping?
Well, I dont like shopping, so I do it only when I have to.
۱۶٫ What is your favorite festival and why? I like October Fest. Its a German festival that starts in late September and ends in October. People drink lots of beer at October Fest and that is why I like it.
۱۷٫ How do people celebrate this festival? Well, they build pavilions and stands that sell beer and all kinds of food, a lot of bands are playing there. People from all around Europe come to celebrate the October Fest dressed in German Traditional clothes.
بعد از پايان يافتن مصاحبه، ممتحن به شما کارتي حاوي ۳ يا ۴ سوال خواهد داد. معمولاً کارت از شما مي خواهد که در مورد يک مکان، يک رويداد يا يک موقعيتي که تجربه اش کرده ايد، توضيح دهيد. شما يک دقيقه فرصت خواهيد داشت که يک سخنراني کوچک براي پاسخگويي به تمامي سوالات موجود در کارت آماده کنيد. همچنين يک کاغذ و قلم هم براي يادداشت کردن نکات خود براي اين سخنراني دريافت خواهيد کرد.
سخنراني بايد يک الي دو دقيقه زمان بگيرد. در پايان، ممتحن ممکن است از شما چند سوال اضافه تر بپرسد. حيله اين قسمت آن است که بدانيد اين دو دقيقه چه موقعي سپري مي شود؟ شما بايد احساسي در مورد چيزي که مي خواهيد دو دقيقه در موردش صحبت کنيد، داشته باشيد. پيشنهاد من اين است که در منزل با استفاده از يک ساعت تمرين کنيد. صداي خود را هنگامي که در مورد موضوعات مختلف صحبت مي کنيد، ضبط کنيد. مي توانيد از MP3 Player هايي که صدا را ذخيره مي کنند استفاده کنيد. بدين طريق شما ميتوانيد بدون کمک ديگران، سخنراني خودتان را مورد ارزيابي قرار دهيد. به مثال و پاسخ سخنراني که آورده شده است دقت کنيد تا متوجه شويد چه نوع سخنراني بايد ارائه دهيد:
Describe a journey you went on. You should include in your answer:
Where you went on your journey
Why you went to this particular place
What did you do and with whom
Why you enjoyed your journey or not
Possible answer:
“I would like to tell you about a journey I went on a year ago. My wife and I took a trip to Holland. Both of us wanted to visit Amsterdam very much because we saw pictures and heard stories of friends about how beautiful and wonderful it is. So finally we bought plane tickets, booked a hotel, packed our bags and our trip began.
We spent a lot of time before our holiday in research of all the interesting places to visit and all the sights to see. So we went to Amsteel Beer museum, took a romantic sunset cruise in the water channels, drove to Vole dam, a small prettiest fisherman village, visited a cheese farm. Every evening we took long walks along the channels, resting in small gardens, which Amsterdam has a lot of. Street artists were performing everywhere and a lot of people came to watch their show.
We enjoyed very much everything we did and especially being together in such a beautiful country. Having my wife by my side on this trip made it even more fun.”
تمرين! تمرين! تمرين!
در اينجا نمونه هاي از کارتهاي سوال براي تمرين کردن شما آورده ام. يک کارت انتخاب کنيد، ۱ دقيقه در مورد آن فکر کنيد و آمادگي پيدا کنيد. نکاتي که مي خواهيد در موردش صحبت کنيد را روي کاغذ يادداشت کنيد. وقتي که شروع به صحبت مي کنيد، سعي کنيد به دردسر نيفتيد. از کلماتي که معني شان را نمي دانيد استفاده نکنيد. همچنين از جملات پيچيده اي که باعث شوند در لغات آن گم شويد، استفاده نکنيد. سعي کنيد به سادگي صحبت کنيد و طوري که مورد توجه قرار گيرد.
Describe a book that has had a major influence on you. You should include in your answer:
– What is the name of that book and who is the author
– How you first heard of it
– What is that book about
– Why it played such an important role in your life
Describe your favorite restaurant. You should include in your answer:
– Where it is located in city
– What does it look like inside and outside
– What kind of food is served there
– What makes this restaurant so special to you and others
Describe a museum you visited. You should say:
– Where this museum is situated?
– Why people visit the museum?
– What did it look like?
– Why you liked this museum?
Describe a conflict at work you once had you should mention:
– The nature of the conflict
– Why the conflict occurred
– What you felt at the time of the conflict
– What you had to do to resolve it
در سومين قسمت از اين آزمون، شما يک بحث با ممتحن خواهيد داشت. موضوع بحث به نوعي با آنچه که در قسمت قبلي اين آزمون داشته ايد مرتبط است ولي در مورد ايده هاي جزئي تري است. کار شما اين است عقيده تان را توضيح دهيد و توجيه کنيد. اين قسمت بحث ناميده مي شود ولي در واقع، اين شما هستيد که بايد بيشترين صحبت را داشته باشيد.
براي اينکه يک ايده کلي در اين خصوص را متوجه شويد، يکي از کارتهايي که در روز امتحان ممکن است بگيريد و سوالاتي که ممتحن ممکن است در قسمت سوم (بحث) از شما بپرسد را مورد بررسي قرار مي دهيم:
Describe a good friend of yours. You should say
– Where and when did you meet
– What did you do together
– What do you like about him/her
– Why is he/she a good friend of yours
Then in third sub-part of the Speaking test the examiner may ask you these kinds of questions:
– Who can not be a good friend of yours? Tell the properties of such a person
– What do you value and not value in people?
Can people, opposite in personality, be good friends?
– What do the children think about friendship? What about the adults? Compare them.
– What do you think of friendship through internet? What good and bad sides does it have?
يک عقيده داشته باشيد!
وقتي ايده اي مطرح مي شود، چگونه براي اين نوع آزمون آماده مي شويد؟ شما بايد عقايد گوناگوني در مورد موضوعات مختلف داشته باشيد. من در اينجا يکسري موضوعات عمومي مهم را براي شما آورده ام تا در مورد آنها فکر کنيد. آنها را مطالعه کنيد و فکر کنيد در مورد هر يک از آنها چه چيزي خواهيد گفت و از چه کلماتي استفاده خواهيد کرد. سپس صداي خود را در حالتي که مشغول گفتن چندين جمله براي هر يک از اين موضوعات هستيد، ذخيره کنيد و به آن گوش دهيد تا ببينيد چه چيزي از آب در آمده است؟ فکر کنيد چطور مي توانيد آن را بهتر کنيد؟ اين کار باعث خواهد شد که براي بحث آماده تر باشيد.
General topics
o Main industry in your country now, how it will develop in the future
o Pollution affecting ecology
o Popular transportation in your country
o How to have better public transport
o How your country has been improved
o City you are living in, its advantages and disadvantages
o Your countrys weather, main season
o Your countrys animals, in what ways are they used.
o Piece of equipment that you consider very important, why, how did you start to use it
o Computers – their advantages and disadvantages, whether people of different sexes and ages use them more or less
o Food in restaurants, why and when we eat there, what are pros and cons of eating in a restaurant
o Celebrities in your country
o Idols – who chooses them, why copy them, etc.
o Favorite holiday in your country
o Who does the shopping
o Where do you like to shop and when
o What do you shop for
o Who does house works, which work in the most important, why
About yourself
o How do you like spending your time
o Favorite movies(films), do you watch them on TV or in cinema Would you like to act in movies? Why not?
o Where you like to spend your vacation
o Study or work, where, what do you like most about your job, what do you dislike about your job
o Your future plans
o Your hobbies
o Do you think free time is important and why
o What did you study at university
o Which subject is your favorite
o Which subject you dont like
o What do you want to do in the future
o Your favorite food
o Greatest success in your life
o Design of your apartment, like, dislike, why
o What room do you like most, what you do there most, what it looks like
o Your favorite sportsmen
o Favorite TV program
o Most interesting time in your life
Things that were important in your life
o Song
o Book – what about, how did it influence you
o Doll or some other toy, who gave it to you, on what occasion, what did you do with it
o Who is your best friend
o Where and when did you meet
o What do you like the best about him/her
o What have you done together? Explain the reasons of your good friendship
o What do the children think about friendship? What about the adults? Compare them
o Who cannot be a good friend of yours? Tell the properties of such a person
o Can people, opposite in personality, be good friends?
o What do you value and not value in people
o Friendship through internet, good and bad sides
o How can a visitor travel in my country
o How did my grandparents travel in the past
o Will the travel method change in the future
o Traveling in group compared single traveling
o What kinds of holidays exist
o Where people prefer to go on vacation
o Applications that have positive effect on growth of tourism
o Why boys and girls chose different toys
o Why toys are good for kids
o Negative influence of toys, educational side of toys
o What kind of music do you like,
o Why we should teach music to our kids
چه کار کنيم اگر…؟
ممکن است ممتحن سوالي از شما بپرسد که شما هيچ سرنخي در مورد سوال او نداشته باشيد. دستپاچه نشويد! فقط بگوييد:
– I am not sure what you mean, could you be more specific?
– Could you repeat the question, please?
اگر جواب آماده اي نداريد و ميخواهيد وقت بيشتري بگيريد، بگوييد:
– Well, I never thought about that, but if I do, I would say that…
– Well, it is not a simple question.
اگر در مورد عقيده شما سوال شود، مي توانيد اينگونه شروع کنيد:
– In my opinion…
– I think that…
– Well, if you ask me, …
– When it comes to me, I …
شايد شما مجبور باشيد در مورد گذشته، حال يا آينده صحبت کنيد. وقتي که خواسته مي شود در مورد آينده صحبت کنيد، بگوييد:
– I am sure that (something will/wont happen)
– It is likely/unlikely that (some event will / wont occur)
اثر خوبي به جاي بگذاريد
نهايتاً هنگامي که اتاق را بعد از گفتگو ترک مي کنيد، مستقيماً به چشمان ممتحن نگاه کرده، لبخند بزنيد و به سادگي بگوييد:
“Thank you for your time. Good bye”
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