۱۰۱ کارت سوالات بخش دوم آزمون IELTS Speaking
۱۰۱ IELTS Speaking Part Two Topic cards
۱۰۱ کارت سوالات بخش دوم آزمون IELTS Speaking
As the topics of sports, hobbies and free time are easy ones that tie in with IELTS Speaking Part One and students like speaking about, they are well worth practising again and again. Below are 101??? IELTS Speaking Part Two tasks on these topics, arranged A – Z by topic, key word or grammar point so that you can quickly find a suitable one to fit in with the topic of your class or the interests of your students. Where there are two similar tasks under two different headings, or the tasks here are similar to the separate “۱۰۱ IELTS Speaking Part Two topic cards that tie in with Part One” worksheets, the wording and/ or sub questions have been changed. These similar ones can also be used in the same class as additional practice to make sure students answer exactly the question that is given.
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Written by Alex Case for UsingEnglish.com
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